Research Developments - Proposal Version 2.0
After feedback sessions with my professor at RSM Erasmus University I changed my Master Thesis Proposal. For a quick overview, look at the figures at proposal version 2.0
The term ‘e-entrepreneurship’ describes the act of establishing new companies specifically in the Net Economy (Matlay 2004). E-business (Electronic-Business) is part of the New Economy and can be described as the new business logic that operates in a world without boundaries. E-Business refers to a broader definition of Electronic Commerce, not just buying and selling but also servicing customers, providing an integrated business environment and offering added value services (Turban, Lee et al. 1999). It is now widely acknowledged that the Internet is fundamental to the New Economy and that it has the potential to transform the competitive landscape at both Micro- and Marco-economic levels. The Internet impacts upon established practices as well as on new ways of conducing business. It has effected the competitive environment at regional, national and international levels (Norton 2001). e-Business has the potential of generating tremendous new wealth, mostly through entrepreneurial start-ups and corporate ventures. It is also transforming the rules of competition for established businesses in unprecedented ways. One would thus expect e-business to have attracted the attention of scholars in the fields of entrepreneurship and strategic management (Amit 2001). The advent of e-Business presents a strong case for the confluence of the Entrepreneurship and Strategy Research streams as argued by Hitt and Ireland (Hitt 2000) and McGrath and MacMillan (McGrath 2000). Yet, research on e-Business is sparse. The Literature has neither articulated the central issues related to this new phenomenon, nor has it developed theory that captures the unique features of virtual markets (Amit 2001).
The bursting of the dot com bubble in the Fall of 2001 market a turning point for the web and the companies that created value. Many people concluded that the web was over hyped, when in fact bubbles and consequent shakeouts appear to be a common feature of all technological revolutions (Perez 2002). Shakeouts typically mark the point at which an ascendant technology is ready to take its place at a Center stage. The pretenders are given the bum’s rush, the real success stories show their strength, and there begins to be an understanding of what separates one from the other. The concept of “Web
Web 2.0 is a buzz word, but the concepts underlying it should be taken seriously: The essence of Web 2.0 is not in the (technology) implementations, but it is in the concepts. As far as Baker (2005) is concerned the attention for Web 2.0 demarks the coming of a second Internet revolution. From a technological, organizational and a social perspective, all signs are there that the Internet will become increasingly popular the next couple of years for applications, and in the end the Internet will be the platform of choice for practically all new applications. From a technological perspective, practically all innovation is somewhat related to web based projects or technologies targeted at the Internet. Nobody is developing new products or technologies anymore that are not web enabled. Also, other trends like ubiquitous Internet access and an increasing number of people having broadband wireless, through any device, make that the Internet is at the Center of technological evolution. From an organizational perspective, it is interesting to see that many enterprises have adopted Internet technologies. For instance, Corporate blogging is, from a marketing point-of-view, an opportunity to reach the market in a different, very scalable way. From a social perspective, tomorrow's customers, end users and decision makers are of the generation that grew up with the Internet, and who are used to communicating and doing business through Internet technologies. Bakker (2005) argues the simple observation that an increasing number of people are not only using the Internet, but who are relying on the Internet for social contacts, purchasing goods and being informed on what is happening in the world. The Internet is becoming a significant factor in today's society (Bakker 2005). Web 2.0 also refers to the creation of far greater levels of interactivity, not just between users, or between users and the internet but between complementary online services through mash-ups and web services (Sturgeon 2006). Professor McAfee at MIT (2006) argues that there is a new wave of business communication tools including blogs, wikis and group messaging. There are new digital platforms for generating, sharing and refining information that are already popular on the Internet, where they are collectively labelled Web 2.0 technologies. In McKinsey’s and Sand Hill Group’s Software Industry Report 2006 it is stated, that the hype around “Web
This research tries to give first answers to two problems that are argued: First from a theoretical approach, as mentioned before, theory on e-Business, especially focussed on value creation is scarce. This is related to our second problem, that companies are unable to make decisions or make incorrect decision, because of scarce theory. With the upcoming of new developments of Web 2.0, extending theory on value drivers in e-Business becomes even more relevant, because previous theory on value creation in e-Business might not be applicable anymore. Therefore the objective of this research is to further develop Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management Theory on value creation in e-Business, by providing first insights in value drivers in Web 2.0. To reach this goal this research tries to give first answers to the central research question, if value drivers associated with Web 2.0 are different from known value drivers in e-business? An overview of this Research Design can be find in Appendix 2.
To gain more knowledge on value drivers in Web 2.0, a better understanding of the basic concepts of value creation and value appropriation as a competitive advantage is necessary. The first subject is well described in Entrepreneurship literature and the second in Strategic Management Literature. This research will try to answer it’s first sub-question, how value is created and captured, by describing five basic theories on value drivers and two combined views of Entrepreneurial literature and Strategic Management Literature: The first basic theory discussed, is Porter’s value chain framework (Porter 1985) and analyzes value creation at the firm level. Value chain analysis identifies the activities of the firm and then studies the economic implications of those activities. Value can be created by differentiation along every step of the value chain, through activities resulting in products and services that lower buyers’ costs or raise buyers’ performance. Schumpeter (Schumpeter 1934) pioneered the theory of economic development and new value creation through the process of technological change and innovation. He viewed technological development as discontinuous change and disequilibrium resulting from innovation. The third basic theory is the Resource Based View of the firm and builds on Schumpeter’s perspective on value creation and views the firm as a bundle of resources and capabilities: Even in equilibrium, firms may differ in terms of the resources and capabilities they control, and that such asymmetric firms may coexist until some exogenous change or Schumpeterian shock occurs. Hence, RBV theory postulates that the services rendered by the firm’s unique bundle of resources and capabilities may lead to value creation (Penrose 1959). From Strategic Management Literature it is argued that Strategic Networks, the fourth theory, are ‘stable inter-organizational ties which are strategically important to participating firms. They make the form of strategic alliances, joint ventures, long-term buyer-supplier partnerships, and other ties’ (Gulati 2000). The size of the network and the heterogeneity of its ties have been conjectured to have a positive effect on the availability of valuable information of the participants within that network (Granovetter 1973). The last basic theory discussed, is transaction cost economics. The central question addressed by transaction cost economics is why firms internalize transactions that might otherwise be conducted in markets (Coase,1937). Williamson (Williamson 1983) suggests that ‘a transaction occurs when a good or service is transferred across a technologically separable interface. One stage of processing or assembly activity terminates, and another begins.’ At its core, transaction cost theory is concerned with explaining the choice of the most efficient governance form given a transaction that is embedded in a specific economic context (Amit 2001). Transaction cost economics identifies transaction efficiency as a major source of value, as enhanced efficiency reduces costs. Two views on value creation that combine Entrepreneurial research and Strategic Management Resource are the business model construct of Amit and Zott (2001) and the Increasing Return Perspective of Brian Arthur (Brian Arthur 1994).
The Second sub-question introduces e-Business features and applies findings of value drivers in e-Business. Virtual markets refer to e-business and are markets in which business transactions are conducted via open networks based on the fixed and wireless Internet infrastructure (Amit 2001). These markets are characterized by high connectivity (Dutta 1999), a focus on transactions (Balakrishnan 1999), the importance of information goods and networks (Shapiro 1999), and high reach and richness of information (Evans 1999). Virtual markets have unprecedented reach because they are characterized by a near lack of geographical boundaries. There are several other characteristics of virtual markets that, when considered together, have a profound effect on how value creating economic transactions are structured and conducted. These include the ease of extending one’s product range to include complementary products, improved access to complementary assets, new forms of collaboration among firms, the potential reduction of asymmetric information among economic agents through the Internet, and real-time customizability of products and services (Amit 2001). Amit and Zott (Amit 2001) argue that each mentioned theoretical framework of value creation, makes valuable suggestions about possible sources of value creation. Many of the insights gained from cumulative research in entrepreneurship and strategic management are applicable to e-business. However, the multitude of value drivers suggested in the literature raises the question of precisely which sources of value are particular importance in e-business, and whether unique value drivers can be identified in context of e-business. Amit and Zott (Amit 2001) introduce a model that suggests that the value creation potential of e-businesses hinges on four interdependent dimensions, namely: efficiency, complementarities, lock-in, and novelty, Appendix 4.
The final sub-question looks at the differences between e-Business and Web 2.0 with a focus on value creation. By researching specific features of Web 2.0 and comparing those with e-Business, a better understanding of (new) potential value drivers is given. Hinchcliffe provides many theories on Web 2.0 and argues that the Web itself has become a vast landscape of information services that can be wired together to reuse and take advantage of aggregated data and functionality. The hallmarks of these online applications are their pervasive availability, interactivity, social immersion, user-driven organization, community contribution, and particularly their reusable, remixable services (Hinchcliffe 2006a). Looking back at the beginning of Web 2.0, a core of theories and aspects, are mentioned by O’Reilly, which he calls the seven principles of Web 2.0 (O'Reilly 2005). Some relevant aspects discussed are harnessing the Long Tail (Anderson 2006) and Collective Intelligence, the Wisdom of Crowds (Surowiecki 2005), Rich user experience and network effects.
Objective and Research Questions
The objective of this research is to further develop Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management Theory on Value Creation in e-Business, by providing first insights in Value Drivers in Web 2.0. (Appendix 2)
General research question
Are the value drivers associated with Web 2.0 different from the known value drivers in e-Business?
Research sub-questions
- How is value created and how is value captured as a competitive advantage?
- What are the value drivers in e-Business?
- What are differences between e-Business and Web 2.0?
Research Design and Methodology
The objective of this research is to further develop Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management Theory on value creation in e-Business, by providing first insights in value drivers in Web 2.0. By looking at Entrepreneurship Research and Strategic Management Research on value creation we can make a framework that is useful for this research. Value creation specifically in e-Business is a topic that has not been addressed often. Especially an article of Amit and Zott (Amit 2001) is relevant and it’s findings show four value drivers in e-Business. My research will extent this research by looking at the value drivers in Web 2.0, based on qualitative data and research methods, like qualitative interviewing and collection and qualitative analysis of texts and documents. Some features of qualitative research are: process, unstructured, and contextual understanding (Bryman 2003).The reason for this approach is that it is an in-depth insight approach by which backgrounds and processes, in a relatively unknown and unexplored topic of value creation in e-Business, can be described. Working with qualitative data is flexible and leaves room for subtle interpretations. The essence of this type of research is a continuous interaction between observation, analysis, and reflection on the findings (Vermeulen 2004). Significant difference with quantitative research is working with text instead of working with numbers. In-depth research gives the opportunity for detail and findings that are less to generalize. Reason for this approach is that the topic is unclear, complex, and less information is available.
The research strategy is Well-founded Theory Approach focus is on framing (development) of a theory. It makes it able to contribute to Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management Theory development on value drivers in e-Business (Verschuren 2003). With this approach a continuous comparison with theories (e.g. Amit and Zott 2001) and findings is possible, to explore new developments and extent literature. This pure qualitative approach has similarities with case studies (Verschuren 2003). Figure 2 and 3, Appendix 2 and 3, visualizes the position of this research. This research can be described as explorative theory development research. Reason for this approach is the emergence of a relatively unknown research topic, Web 2.0. Although there is research on value creation in e-Business (Amit 2001), I can expect differences with findings because of developments in e-Business. According to Ultee (Ultee 1991) theory development research can be used when some theoretical research is already done, but new developments on the topic brings up new questions, e.g. to what extent is the theory still applicable?
This research will go back to the basic theories on value creation from a Strategic Management view and Entrepreneurship view, to provide first insights in this development. To answer the main question, are value drivers associated with Web 2.0 different from the known value drivers in e-business, I divided the objective in research sub-questions and core definitions according to Verschuren and Doorewaard (Verschuren 2003). Three sub-questions are relevant to answer: The first sub-question, on how value is created and captured, can be answered by researching Entrepreneurship Theory and Strategic Management Theory on value creation and sustainable competitive advantages. This literature study provides an overview of value creation theories from different scientifically approaches and gives a better understanding of potential value drivers in Web 2.0. Literature Research of e.g. Amit and Zott (2001) give answers to the second question of this research, what are value drivers in e-Business. After providing clear answers to the first two sub-questions, the third sub-questions introduces Web 2.0. Potential value divers in e-Business will be researched in relation with specific aspects of Web 2.0. The third question looks at the specific features of the next stage of Internet and will give an overview and understanding which potential value drivers can be found in Web 2.0 and which value drivers in e-Business are more important. I will look at relevant aspects, such as value drivers and creation, of Web
The establishment of the credibility of findings entails to the canons of good practice and to submitting research findings to the members of the social world who were studied for confirmation that the investigator has correctly understood (Bryman 2003). This latter technique is often referred to as respondent validation or member validation. In this research I will first begin with Literature research to have a better understanding of value creation and value drivers in Web 2.0. Thereupon I will use Literature research and Media Research to make first concepts of value drivers in Web 2.0 and to what extent they might differ with value drivers in e-Business. As final step I will use mentioned validation technique by interviewing experts, professors and entrepreneurs in Web 2.0, to ensure that the chosen concepts provide proper insights. This triangulation, defined as using more than one method or source of data, helps develop and improve concepts, and decreases the chance of misinterpretations. Kanter (Kanter 1977) suggests that a combination of methods…emerges as the most valid and reliable way to develop understanding of complex developments. I am looking at areas of convergence to give first answers to the research topic. By interviewing experts related in different manners to Web 2.0, after researching first value creation concepts in Web 2.0, should decrease subjective interpretations.
Because qualitative data deriving from interviews typically take the form of a large corpus of unstructured textual material, they are not straightforward to analyse. Moreover, unlike quantitative data analysis, clear-cut rules about how quality data analysis should be carried out have not been developed. One of the main difficulties this research has is that it rapidly generates a large, cumbersome database because of its reliance on prose in the form of such media as field notes, interview transcripts, or documents. The general strategy of qualitative data analysis of this research will be Grounded Theory (Glaser 1967) and should help to overcome these challenges. A general strategy of qualitative data analysis is a framework that is meant to guide the analysis of data (Bryman 2003). Grounded Theory is defined as theory that was derived from data, systematically gathered and analyzed through the research process. In this method, data collection, analysis, and eventual theory stand in close relationship to on another (Strauss 1998). Two central features are that the analyst has grounded his or her theory in data and that the approach is iterative, and recursive, meaning that data collection and analysis proceed in tandem, repeatedly referring back to each other (Bryman 2003). Reason for this approach is that constant comparison, a process of maintaining a close connection between data and conceptualization, is possible. This is necessary because of the explorative approach this research takes in a relatively new topic. Another reason to apply this strategy is that data can be organized by coding and is treated as potential indicator of concepts. It helps to overcome the problems with analyzing large amounts of various data and helps to conceptualize findings. Such a grounding of the emerging theory in the data can provide a new perspective on an already researched topic (Hitt 1998), in this case e.g. research by Amit and Zott (2001). This strategy is however especially useful in the early stages of research on a topic, when it is not clear yet to what extent the research question is informed by existing theories. Both motivations hold in the context of Web 2.0.
The aim of this research is to give first answers to a relatively unknown and new development, and understands the shortcomings of qualitative research, such as difficulty of replication, generalizations, and transparency (Bryman 2003). After my findings, quantitative research or case studies could help overcome the mentioned problems, and could extent the founded concepts.
Significance of Research and Expected Results
Entrepreneurship is currently undergoing a fundamental transformation that reflects the rapid and radical changes that are affecting the global market place. The emergence of the Internet and developments in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have opened new markets and considerably altered existing ones (Brynjolfsson and Kahin 2002). From an Entrepreneurship perspective, the full economic impact of the Internet and related ICT is yet to be fully understood or empirically tested (Martin and Matlay 2003). Nevertheless, it is increasingly obvious that a shift in entrepreneurial equilibrium is taking place (Matlay and Addis 2003). Although some of the traditional entrepreneurial concepts still apply, much of the context in which related activities are taking place has changed dramatically over a relatively short period of time (Matlay 2003b). Consequently, and in order to capture the economic value that is created within rapidly evolving e-Markets, a new and highly adaptable brand of e-Entrepreneurs has emerged (Matlay 2003a).
Bakker (2005) does the simple observation that an increasing number of people are not only using the Internet, but who are relying on the Internet for social contacts, purchasing goods and being informed on what is happening in the world. The Internet is becoming a significant factor in today's society. In Gartner’s 2006 Emerging Technologies Hype Cycle (Appendix 6, figure 6), three major themes that are experiencing significant activity and which include new or heavily hyped technologies, where organisations may be uncertain as to which will have most impact on their business, are argued. One of the three key technology themes identified by Gartner, and the corresponding technologies for enterprises to examine closely within them, is Web 2.0 and represents a broad collection of recent trends in Internet technologies and business models. Particular focus has been given to user-created content, lightweight technology, service-based access and shared revenue models. Technologies rated by Gartner as having transformational, high or moderate impact include: Social Network Analysis, Marsh-ups,
This research provides more insight in the next stage of the Internet. It will show that Web 2.0 is not only a buzz word, but that there are underlying values that are changing the landscape of our business (models). One of the expectations is that I can improve and/or update the value drivers emergence model of Amit and Zott (Amit 2001). I expect new value drivers, or a few value drivers that will be more important in this stage of the Internet. A small contribution to value creation theories and business model theories in the field of a combination of Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management is then delivered (see Appendix 3). Another expectation is that this research provides a clear overview of what Web 2.0 is and what, not only entrepreneurs and companies, but also the internet users, can do with it. Providing more insight in value drivers and business models in Web 2.0 enables internet users, companies and entrepreneurs to adopt and prepare to take advantage of opportunities in this next stage of the Internet.
Appendix 1. Web 2.0 Meme Map

Figure 1: Meme Map Web 2.0 (O'Reilly 2005)
Appendix 2. Overview Research Design

Figure 2. Overview Research Design
Appendix 3. Overview Methodology

Figure 3. Overview Methodology
Appendix 4. Sources of Value Creation in e-Business

Figure 4. Sources of Value Creation in e-Business (Amit 2001)
Appendix 5. Sources of Value Creation in Web 2.0?

Figure 5. Sources of Value Creation in Web 2.0?
Appendix 6. The Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies 2006

Figure 6. The Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies 2006* (Gartner 2006)
*The “Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies,
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